DBC Foundations
Sunday Mornings, 8:45-9:45 am in the small building auditorium. Our desire is that every person at DBC is growing in their faith and have a strong foundation built on the Word of God. This is what our Foundations classes are all about. Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday mornings before our main service.
New series starting 1/12: Can I Trust the Bible?
Wednesday Night Study
A verse-by-verse Bible study, open to men, women, and teens.
Wednesday Evening's from 6:30-8 PM
This group is meeting over zoom.
Contact for a Zoom access link.
Women's Bible Studies
The Women’s Bible studies at Derwood Bible Studies are doctrinally sound and life changing. We meet together to study God’s Word and in doing so, we draw closer to Him and each other. A certain times of the year we have several studies going on. We come together to laugh, cry, be vulnerable with each other and build friendships. We see Jesus’ hand on our lives as we study and pray for each other during the week.
Here are some opportunities for you to dig deep into the word.
Are you planning to read the Bible this year and looking for a community to share and grow with? If you said, YES!!, we hope you’ll be able to join us (Deborah and Aimee)!
Thursdays: 7-8pm (8:15 extension for prayer)
DBC or Nearby
When: First Meeting January 16
We plan to use the @YouVersion plan 'Eden to Eternity: A Year in the Bible With Daily Grace Chronological Plan'. Check it out here:
It is a guided plan in the YouVersion Bible app with a related podcast. It has devotional questions we will use for discussions along with 3 chapters/day of reading!
The location will be determined once we know who'd like to join. Possible DBC, or a nearby Panera.
Looking forward to a great year in the WORD!
Please let one of us know if you'd like to participate :)
Deborah Ripley & Aimee Clark
P.S. If you're wondering - can I do this? It may be a lot? Here are a few tips from Phylicia Masonheimer, a Christian, author, blogger speaker...
"Reading the whole bible in a year gives you the big picture of the entire redemptive story. You read it fast enough to grasp the whole picture but slow enough to catch the main points...Here are keys to success:
This is the first and most important thing. If you insist on a perfect "streak" not only are you attempting something impossible (everyone misses a day, or even a week or more) you are missing the point: intimacy with God and understanding of His story. You'll read the Bible again. This is not the only time. Move on and start on that day's reading - no need to catch up.
There are many genres of literature in the Bible. It was not all written at once; it was written across many cultures and times. There is historical narrative, law, song, letter, and apocalyptic literature in the Bible. The kind of literature you're reading will decide how you read and interpret (eg you would not read Leviticus like you read Psalms, and if you do try to do so, you'll be frustrated).
Do not attempt to study deeply every day with a Bible in a year plan. The goal is the big picture, so you'll be reading 2-5 chapters a day. Pick a couple days a week to deep dive, and choose *portions* of the reading to deep dive on. Again - this is not your only time to read the Bible. You'll visit these passages again.
It's much easier to succeed at a reading plan if you're doing it with someone else! You can do this in a group or in pairs. Find someone who can hold you accountable and stay on pace with you. However - do not attempt to "catch up" and push yourself further behind! Simply start the plan on the current day if you miss a week, and move forward.
At the end of the year you will have experienced around 365 days of exposure to the word of God and hear of Christ and power of the Spirit. This is priceless! A Bible in a year plan is simply a vehicle to intimacy with God, a tangible act of habit formation that draws you closer to Him. The plan isn't the point. He is ❤️"
ZOOM Study: Desiring God’s Own Heart by Kay and David Arthur
Leader: Diane Kummer (
Starts: Tuesday, September 10 at 7pm
contact Diane by September 6 if you plan to participate.
A study of 1 and 2 Samuel (Fall 2024 – Winter 2025)
As summer fades and we head into fall, we invite you to join us for the start of a new bible study where we’ll cover the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. We’ll use the inductive Bible study guide entitled Desiring God’s Own Heart.
The study begins on Tuesday, Sept 10, at 7 PM via zoom with an intro session. We will continue through November 12 as we explore 1 Samuel. We’ll take a break for the holidays, then pick up in January 2025 and complete our study of 2 Samuel from Jan – March.
Each participant should order the study guide, Desiring God’s Own Heart by Kay and David Arthur, at this link so that it arrives prior to the first class on Sept 10.
The study guide teaches us how to observe, interpret, and apply the Word of God in context and requires about 20-30 minutes per day of independent study during the week. Then we’ll come together from 7-8:30 PM on Tuesdays (Sept 10-Nov 12) via zoom to discuss the lesson and encourage each other in the Word of God. We’ll cover topics such as intimacy with God, how to pray effectively, trusting in God’s sovereignty and grace, and how to develop a deeper understanding of God’s heart for us.
The study is meant for both those who are new to Bible study as well as those who have studied the Bible for many years! The richness of God’s Word is a limitless source of knowledge and revelation that we can never exhaust. The study also provides an opportunity to develop relationships with other women who love God’s word and to grow in fellowship with each other.
If you plan to participate, please contact Diane Kummer at 240-672-7580 or no later than Friday, Sept 6 to be placed on the distribution list for class details and information. We hope you can join us!
Bible Reading Challenge
If you are interested in a bible reading challenge, please reach out to Christine Seager and she will give you all the details:
Men’s Bible Studies
Iron will sharpen iron as we dive into the depths of God’s Word. Come join a group of men committed to honoring God in their lives through meaningful fellowship, study of God’s Word, and prayer.
8-9 am Saturdays - small bldg. auditorium
6:30 - 7:30 am Tuesdays - Training Faithful Men - fellowship through prayer and Bible discussion. Currently studying the book of Ruth and meeting in person in the small auditorium with a Zoom option for those preferring to attend virtually.
For more information please contact the DBC office!