DBC Women’s Ministry 2024-2025
The DBC Women’s Ministry exists to encourage women to grow into mature followers of Jesus through personal relationships with Him and meaningful connections with one another.
This year we hope to facilitate this by providing various Bible studies, book studies, breakfasts, interest groups, Grow Groups and even a weekend retreat in the Spring.
Women’s Breakfast on Saturday, December 7th focusing on the Gospel Centered Life. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and going deeper in our faith. Save the Date for our next breakfast on February 1st!
We are excited for our quarterly breakfasts, multiple Bible Study opportunities, and our Spring Retreat. SAVE THE DATE(s)!
For questions or to contact a member of the Women’s Ministry Team email womensministry@derwoodbiblechurch.org
Facebook Group: Derwood Women's Ministry - In addition to DBC emails, you can find information and fellowship here.