Our Global Partners
"Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
David & Cindy B.: Asia Minor

Since 1993, David & Cindy have been serving the Lord through evangelism and church planting in Asia Minor. They desire to develop a business platform that will help further the ministry of making Christ known to the least-reached areas of Asia Minor. We so appreciate Dave & Cindy's love for the people of Asia Minor and are honored to support this faithful couple.
"'You are my witness,' declares the Lord, 'and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be after me.'" Isaiah 43:10
Dan & Ginny Bryant: Senegal
The Bryants served the Lord in Guinea, West Africa for many years and have shifted their location to Senegal. They continue to learn the Landuma language and culture, translate Scripture into their language, reach out with the Gospel, and encourage the faith of the relatively few believers in this area. What a privilege to partner with the Bryants, who have distinguished themselves in their faithful laboring for the Gospel.
This picture includes their immediate family and also others currently living with them.
"Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the nations praise you!" Psalm 67:3
Grace & Bagar Compo: Senegal
Grace and Bagar serve in Dakar, Senegal. Grace grew up in DBC and developed a love for Deaf ministry and global missions when she was in middle school. She was invited by one of our missionaries to Dakar to serve in a Deaf school and has been there ever since! She is currently volunteering at the Christian Deaf school full time and involved in various discipleship ministries in Deaf and hearing communities. Bagar is pursuing an Associate degree in Biblical studies at Ethnos360 Bible Institute to prepare himself to work full time in Bible translation. His goal is to help aide in the translation of the Bible into his own language, Landuma.
To learn more about them, feel free to reach out to them!
Michael & Cheryl Gayle: Togo, W. Africa
Michael is a Board-Certified Family Physician who had a private medical practice in Berkeley Springs, WV for 20 years. Cheryl is an RN who helped to run the medical practice during this time. They joined the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) in full-time medical ministry work in 2001. They serve in the country of Togo, W. Africa. They use their medical and administrative skills as tools to share the gospel of Christ with others. They love teaching the Bible, working with church plants, and discipling others. Their three children are now grown and living in the states. For more info: https://give.abwe.org… Dina Sigano is our Global Outreach Team liaison for the Gayles.
"and He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." Luke 9:2
Cornel & Sanda Hudulin: Romania
The Hudulins served the Lord in Targu Jiu, Romania. Cornel was promoted to glory in October of 2022.
Cornel was a gifted evangelist and is well regarded throughout their home country of Romania - he pastored Maranatha Baptist Church, which is affectionately known as DBC's sister church. Cornel and Sanda invested themselves fully in ministering to those in their church, and the Lord has established many other churches throughout Romania through Cornel's ministry. In March 2010 MBC celebrated 10 years in their church building, and Pastor Colin had the joy of preaching in the four celebration services to mark the occasion. We count it an honor to have stood with this time tested, hard working and faithful couple and will continue to support Sanda and the ministries they have poured their lives into.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Dan & Barbara Kees: Canada
The Kees were commissioned by DBC fifty years ago, and they now continue in semi-retirement amongst the Blackfoot Indians. In their own words: "Our present ministry consists of regathering our people in the Sikoohkotokii Bible Fellowship. This involves one on one times of discussion and encouragement. We also are spending considerable time with the remaining young people in helping them sort out careers and dating to marry issues. We are quietly promoting a chronological Bible study on Tuesday nights. We are encouraging and advising our Southern Alberta area wide young leadership in planning and conducting ministry such as camps, retreat, and worship times."
"and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." 2 Timothy 2:2
Daniel and Karina Karykov: Kazakhstan
Daniel is a youth and young adults leader in Emmanuel Church. Daniel and Karina love the Lord with all of their hearts and desire to see young people grow in their walk with Christ. Their daughter's name is Evangelina.
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:9-12
Pavel and Lydia Kirichenko: Kazakhstan

Pastor Pavel is the pastor of the Issik Evangelical Christian Church in Kazakhstan, called "A House of Prayer for All Nations." We have counted it such a joy to support him for over ten years enabling him to focus his time completely on shepherding his flock and taking the Gospel to his community. Their church actively engages orphans in their region. Beginning in 2022 he was no longer in need of financial support, so we continue our friendship and limited partnership with their church!
"We preach Christ crucified." 1 Corinthians 1:23
Mike & Carol Kurtyka: Upper Room Church: Scotland
Carol and Mike Kurtyka have been in Europe since 2002 and were part of the team that launched Communitas’ original church plant in Glasgow. They have three adult children Harrison & Lily and Sophie.
Mike serves as an executive pastor in Upper Room church through a varied ministry to asylum seekers and refugees. Carol supports youth and women’s ministries and is actively involved in one-to-one discipleship and providing hospitality for the many activities around Communitas & Upper Room Church.
Sarita Romeiro - Open Arms Worldwide: Brazil
Open Arms partners with Christian churches to implement and maintain gospel-based programs to reach at-risk children in the church’s local community in Brazil. DBC has the privilege of supporting Sarita, who ministers specifically amongst the Terena tribe. DBC partners in this ministry through short term ministry trips to Brazil.
Oyiji Odey Clinic: Nigeria
This ministry is borne out of the personal heartache of one of our members, who lost her sister to Sickle Cell years ago. Through her heartache, her sister here in the USA has been obedient to the Lord's calling and in turn brought comfort to those suffering in her native Nigeria. The Oyiji Odey Clinic offers medical help to those in need, and, hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Christian physician and nursing staff do everything possible to extend understanding, compassion, and comfort to those in need. Recently a new facility has been constructed to house the clinic!
" He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD." Psalm 40:3
Minako Wilkinson: Local International
Minako serves with the Navigators as she reaches out to internationals living in our area and beyond. Her ministry is highly relational and focuses on introducing people to Christ and discipling them in Him. Richard is very involved in the ministry as well, as they enjoy hosting people in their home. The Frink Life Group connects with the Wilkinsons on behalf of DBC.
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5
Joyce Lin: Missionary Avaiation Fellowship (MAF): Indonesia
Joyce’s faith became sight on May 12, 2020, when on an early morning flight, her plane crashed. As a pilot, Joyce used aviation to help transform the lives of isolated people by providing life-saving medical evacuation flights, delivering supplies for community development, and transporting people to otherwise inaccessible locations. As an IT specialist, Joyce set up and maintained computer networks to allow ministry workers and workers to contact their supporters and access resources on the Internet. You can read more about Joyce here and here.