Text: Psalm 46
With the promise of His presence and assurance of His strength, the Psalmist calls us to trust in the Lord, give Him glory and take refuge in Him.
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Text: Psalm 46
With the promise of His presence and assurance of His strength, the Psalmist calls us to trust in the Lord, give Him glory and take refuge in Him.
Text: II Thessalonians 1:5-10
We've recently considered the holiness of God in Revelation, we now take a closer look at the subject of God's judgment. When we behold God's holiness in judgment, it naturally works within us a sober mindset. May we be deeply impacted by God's righteous execution of judgment and order our thoughts and our lives accordingly.
Text: Hebrews 11:39-12:2
We face many challenges as we walk with the Lord, sometimes we feel like throwing in the towel. The good word given us is to not grow weary but to keep moving - keep walking, keep serving, keep loving, keep worshiping. There is great joy set before us!
Text: Revelation 5
In the sequel to last week's passage, thousands upon thousands thunder the Declaration of Sonship - we who were dead in our sins and enemies of God, have been brought near, reconciled and redeemed.
Text: Revelation 4:1-11
A consistent theme in personal revival and renewal is a compelling vision of God's holiness; His glory. On Sunday we'll examine our redemption in light of God's holiness, which humbles, comforts and inspires us. It's a good word for each of us, especially for those raising kids.
Text: Ephesians 3:14-21
When was the last time you reflected deeply on God's love for you? His unconditional, sacrificial, deep and abiding love. Some of us have grown up hearing, God loves you - but do we really believe it? Revival of the soul and renewal of godly affections often spring from a focused meditation on God's surpassing love for us.
Text: Hosea 10:12
Don't be distracted or stuck rut as you walk with the Lord. May Hosea's words fall fresh on us as we strive to be red hot in serving the Lord.
Text: II Kings 22 & 23
Hilkiah the High Priest carries out routine orders from the King for a small business transaction. What follows is a chain of events that would transform the King and an entire nation, at a time when their hearts - and their actions - were far from the Lord. From the dumpster fire of their egregious sin emerged a renewal birthed in God's Word.
Text: Matthew 5:7-12
Last Sunday, we read through the first four beatitudes and began to see how opposite the way of the world is compared to how Jesus describes a Kingdom citizen. This Sunday, we will examine the remaining beatitudes and experience the complete picture of a Kingdom citizen.
Text: Matthew 5:1-6
Have you ever read through Scripture and recognized how completely opposite the way of the world is compared to the way in which Jesus describes what it means to be a Kingdom citizen? What our culture often tells us to pursue, Jesus totally flips on its head. As we study, examine, and dwell on these words and wisdom from Jesus in the Beatitudes, you will recognize the striking contrast to the words and wisdom of this world.
Text: Judges 6:11-24
Gideon's life is a powerful reminder of God's desire and ability to use each of us for His glory. When we focus on our weaknesses and lack of natural ability, the Lord wants us to rest in Him and have confidence in His wisdom and power at work though us. Our passage from Judges 6 is a good reminder for each of us as we begin a new ministry season and regular rhythms after the summer months.
Psalm series message 5
Text: Psalm 34
Sunday we continue our Psalms series with a Thanksgiving Psalm. We are invited to join in giving thanks for God's personal engagement with us and help rendered at our point of need. The power of Christian fellowship is the living testimonies we have of how GOD stepped in as only He can! Thank God for His personal concern for us and for His care in all our difficulties.
Psalm series message 4
Text: Psalm 72
As we go through another contentious election cycle, as followers of Jesus, we are called to respond differently. We are called to pray. Psalm 72, a royal psalm and prayer for the king, shows us how to pray for those in power now, what we pray to see in those who will ascend to positions of power, and what we are looking forward to when Jesus’ rule is fully realized for all eternity.
Psalms series message 3
Text: Psalm 33
Psalm 33 is a hymn of praise in response to the call for praise in verse 22 of Psalm 32. We will examine God’s instruction to his people to sing a new song, shout for joy and give thanks to the Lord. We will see that our praise is rightfully rendered based on God’s character, what He has done, and His steadfast love for His people.
Psalms series message 2
Text: Psalm 13
What do we do when we carry deep sorrow and it feels like God has abandoned us? In Psalm 13, David goes from “how long will you forget me?” to trusting, rejoicing and singing about God’s goodness. Let’s learn from this Psalm of lament how we are to move toward God in our grief.
Psalms series message 1
Text: Psalm 1
Charles Spurgeon spent countless hours immersed in the Psalms, noting it was a royal banquet for him and a means of grace for his heart. Many have rightly said that the Psalms speak to our desires, emotions, attitudes, thoughts and as Spurgeon called it, the anatomy of our conscience. For the remainder of the summer, we'll examine a Psalm from each of the genres we find within this treasure book of God's wisdom.
In this first message, we focus on a Wisdom Psalm: wisdom for life as the wicked and righteous are contrasted. Blessings come when we engage God's Word meaningfully and order our lives accordingly.
Galatian series message 25
Text: Galatians (misc.)
The message to the Galatians is crucial for the church in every generation! After a game or concert, we often see highlights to summarize the event for those who missed it. We recap 5 key truths contained in this compelling letter that bring clarity and confidence in our walk with the Lord: the essence and glory of the gospel, don't mess with the gospel, why Abraham matters, freedom in Christ, keeping in step with the Spirit.
Guest speaker Geoff Frink, DBC Elder Board Chairman
Text: Heb 10:10-14, 19-25
Christ, through his once for all time sacrifice, has made us complete, holy and righteous now and for all eternity. From the foundation of being made holy, perfected by Jesus, we draw near to God, hold fast to our faith in Jesus and spur each other on to live out our faith.
Galatians series message 24
Text: Galatians 6:11-18
Paul concludes his letter with a compelling bookend to the beginning of the epistle: the only thing that matters is a new creation, regeneration. We glory in the cross and not our efforts, nor do we grow in maturity through the strength of our own flesh.
Galatians series message 23
Text: Galatians 6:6-10
The Law of the Harvest is as dependable as Tax Day, this is especially true in relation to sowing to the flesh or to the Spirit. We should take heed to this spiritual truth and also not grow weary in doing good - life is full of temptations, setbacks and trials of various kinds.