Our mission with Care & Comfort is to provide God's love and support to individuals and families connected with DBC who are in crisis of various kinds. Our ministry model is simple: when a need arises, we reach out to all who have become a part of the ministry via email. If you are available, you then can sign up to help at the time needed.

 Examples of some kinds of opportunities that might arise are:

  • Participating in a meal schedule to deliver meals (usually dinner)

  • Grocery shopping for people who are housebound

  • Providing transportation to work or other destinations (this will usually not involve children because of DBC's child protection policy)

  • Picking up items at a store (such as a large appliance) and delivering it to someone's home

  • Helping individuals or families who are moving

  • Doing small housework, home maintenance or yardwork tasks

Given that crises are by nature unpredictable, there are some months when our team has nothing at all to do -- and some months when there are multiple opportunities overlapping each other. There is no obligation to participate if other commitments make it too difficult at a certain time. Serving others should be a joy!

We're so grateful for you.

Nancy, Laura, and Shanna

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “[God] comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

A Care & Comfort Testimony