
Derwood Bible Church is sending a team to support our ministry partner, Sarita Romeiro, who serves with Open Arms Worldwide.  Open Arms Worldwide mobilizes, prepares, equips and aids Christian leaders in establishing faith-based child and community projects reaching at-risk children and their families. Sarita specifically works with children in the city of Aquidauana as well as the indigenous tribes in the surrounding area.

Our team will help with light construction work as they continue to expand their base facilities in Aquidauana and help organize a children's program during their winter break.


Schedule: We currently plan to depart on Tuesday, July 8 and arrive back home on Friday, July 18.

The deadline to register for this trip is Sunday, March 23.

If you know you are interested or would like more information, please complete this form.

If you would like to donate to a team member or the entire team you may send a check to Derwood Bible Church specifying “Brazil” and the team member you are supporting in the memo, or you can donate online here (coming soon).

Campo Grande is the city we fly into. From there we travel to Aquidauana and serve in the surrounding villages.

Campo Grande is the city we fly into. From there we travel to Aquidauana and serve in the surrounding villages.

Highlights from our 2024 trip.