October 6, 2013: Game Time!

Acts Series message 3

Text: Acts 2:1-21

From the beginning, Luke wants us to know that his history is detail-oriented and provided by eyewitnesses. He conveys Christ's ascension, at which point He is exalted and pours out His Spirit. What happens in chapter two is riveting and breathtaking: prophecy is fulfilled and the church is annointed and empowered by the Spirit to proclaim Jesus Christ!

Game Time!

September 29, 2013: You Have a Job to Do!

Acts Series message 2

Text: Acts 1:6-26

As we travel through Acts, please note the centrality of the resurrection. Luke was certain to establish the historicity of this momentous event beyond any question. On Sunday, we will examine how the resurrection and ascension were the cornerstone of all the activity within the early church. The twelve disciples were now eleven disciples, so they chose Matthias to join their ranks. This Sunday, we'll see how these disciples - including a greater number of believers - were poised to complete their mission, given by our Lord Jesus, being empowered by the Holy Spirit. ALL of this was a part of God's wonderful and detailed plan. Please read chapter one prior to Sunday, it will be helpful as you receive the sermon.

You Have a Job to Do!

September 15, 2013: Our Living Hope

1 Peter Series message 32

Text: 1 Peter 5:10-11

At the retreat, we recapped 1 Peter and preached the last two verses of the epistle. We will close out our series on Sunday by proclaiming our living hope in Christ: our wonderful God has called us to His eternal glory and will Himself restore and settle us FOREVER. We must never lose sight of this in life's storms; I am praying we draw much encouragement and perspective from it.

Our Living Hope

September 1, 2013: Temptation Pt.2

1 Peter Series message 30

Text: I Peter 5:9

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

The great hymn of the faith, A Mighty Fortress is our God, penned by Martin Luther in 1529, was considered the Battle Hymn of the Reformation, and was also sung at President Eisenhower's funeral. It speaks well to our second message on temptation; namely, resist him. Consider the lyrics of this hymn, which we'll sing this Sunday:

"For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe; 
His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate,
 On earth is not his equal."

This is the truth! We saw this in Sunday's sermon and experience it every day.

"Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing."

AMEN to that!

But THIS is how we resist, how we thrive as OVERCOMERS:

"And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
 We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us:
 The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
 His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
 One little word shall fell him."

Temptation Part 2

August 25, 2013: Temptation!

1 Peter Series message 29

Text: 1 Peter 5:8

As Peter closes out his letter he is giving practical advice on Christian maturity. Because of the hope within us, we should be growing in trust (towards the Lord) and humility (towards others and the Lord). We need to recognize the work of the evil one as he tempts us in various ways, maintaining vigilance and and a sober mindset.


August 11, 2013: Humility Defined and Practiced

1 Peter Series message 27

Text: 1 Peter 5:5-6

Peter tells us to follow Christ's example by embracing suffering for His Name's sake. Likewise, he calls us to follow in His footsteps of humility. The flip side of elders leading well is for the church to have a submissive spirit towards their leadership. But bigger than that is everyone having a spirit of humility towards each other, beginning with humility towards GOD.

Humility Defined and Practiced

August 4, 2013: God's Under-Shepherds

1 Peter Series message 26

Text: 1 Peter 5:1-4

Peter has just told us that judgement begins in the household of God; we referenced two OT passages in which the elders were held to account.  Peter appeals to his fellow elders to correctly understand their role in the church and serve with honorable motives.  This passage informs elders of their calling and shows the flock what to expect of their leaders.

God's Under-Shepherds

July 21, 2013: Perspective in Suffering

1 Peter Series message 25

Text: 1 Peter 4:12-18

Don't be surprised, Peter said, at the fiery trials you are facing. Acute suffering should not take us aback but rather, as we press through, become badge of honor as we follow our Savior. We may never face the persecution Peter's audience faced, but these challenges authenticate our faith as we entrust ourselves to our faithful Creator.

Perspective in Suffering

July 14, 2013: Keeping it Real

1 Peter Series message 24

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11

No matter what your personal circumstances, the next big event on God's prophetic calendar is Christ's RETURN! In light of that, we cannot live in unrestrained passion as those around us might be. If we did, our prayers would be terribly ineffective. Rather, we should focus on LOVING each other deeply, offering hospitality, and blessing others with the gifts God's given us. This week we'll focus on putting into practice what Peter brings to our attention in this very practcial passage.

Keeping it Real

July 7, 2013: Enough!

1 Peter Series message 23

Text: 1Peter 4:3-6


That's Russian for "That's enough!" or "sufficient". We have lived long enough pursuing the lusts of the flesh; now that we are Christians, Peter tells us, it's time to leave that behind and pursue righteousness. We must not be swayed in our resolve to live out our convictions, knowing those who mock us will give an account to Him who judges the living and the dead.


June 30, 2013: Think Different

1 Peter Series message 22

Text: 1 Peter 4:1-2

In 1997, shortly after Steve Jobs returned to Apple, they launched their "Think Different" campaign which, in marketing terms, was a huge success. They had stumbled upon a truth that Peter wrote about centuries earlier. However, Peter's version was much more radical than Jobs'. Peter, immersed in the truth of Jesus Christ, calls his readers to think differently and, in doing so, live differently in the midst of the suffering they faced. So can any good come from suffering? Peter says yes, but it may not be what you expect.

Think Different

June 23, 2013: Jesus Christ: Our Once-Crucified, Reigning King

1 Peter Series message 21

Text: 1 Peter 3:19-22

Christ left for us the ultimate example of suffering; He suffered unto death as One without sin. In His death, there was victory in that we were brought near to God. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to God's right hand where He reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Even if our path of suffering involves death, that is our gain as we enter immediately into His presence. A subtheme of our message will be baptism, which Peter references.

Jesus Christ: Our Once-Crucified Reigning King

June 16, 2013: Our Mindset in Suffering

1 Peter Series message 20

Text: 1 Peter 3:13-18a

This Sunday we will dig into Christian suffering. We will specifically address being ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within, and how Christ left an example by suffering unjustly for US (the Gospel)! We will mark Communion together as we embark on our journey to our new building.

Our Mindset in Suffering

June 9, 2013: Developing A Christian Mindset

1 Peter Series message 19

Text: 1 Peter 3:8-12

Do you long for lasting friendships that go deep? Do you wish your unsaved friends would see something radically different in your Christian friendships? Peter closes his discussion on Christian conduct by speaking to all of us in very specific terms; he identifies Christian markers which will consistently set us apart from those around us.

Developing A Christian Mindset

June 2, 2013: How Husbands Lead

1 Peter Series message 18

Text: 1 Peter 3:7

Last Sunday we looked at a wife’s submission to her husband, how she pursues inner beauty, and how she seeks to overcome fear in her marriage and life. This Sunday we will address husbands: how men are to live with their wives in an understanding and honoring way.

How Husbands Lead

May 26, 2013: Wisdom for Wives

1 Peter Series message 17

Text: 1 Peter 3:1-6

Recently we've seen Peter's wisdom in regards to interaction with government and masters (for house servants), as well as the example of Christ Himself submitting to suffering. This Sunday, we will examine three specific truths for wives in how they relate with their husbands. Everything Peter tells us flows from the foundation of the Gospel. The Gospel changes everything!

Wisdom for Wives