January 15, 2023: Gospel Activity

Colossians series message 2

Text: Colossians 1:6-8

The gospel was bearing fruit both in Colosse and throughout the world - that’s what the gospel does! It is rooted in grace and develops best when people rub shoulders and invest in one another as Epaphras did with the Colossians. 

January 8, 2023: The Gospel Bearing Fruit!

Colossians series message 1

Text: Colossians 1:1-8

With this message we begin our series in Colossians! A major theme is the lordship of Christ in all areas of life - in this message we'll focus on the hope of the gospel and how that transforms our daily living (and causes others start talking about it!). 

January 1, 2023: The Power of a Word

Text: Misc.

In this message, we examine a Hebrew word that plays predominantly in the Old Testament and conveys God's loving care for us. It is difficult to render in English, hence different translations will give different English renderings. It is my hope that by examining this concept we will be filled with comfort, courage and confidence as we begin a new year.

December 18, 2022: Angels We've Heard Here Below

Advent 2022: Heralds of His Coming - message 3

We know angels announced Jesus' birth, but what's their involvement in God's unfolding drama of redemption? More than most people recognize! Angelology and Advent is an intriguing and important study as angels announce Jesus' birth and support Him in trials. 

December 11, 2022: How Long, Lord?

Advent 2022: Heralds of His Coming - message 2

The Bible is full of people who cried out, How long, O Lord? Indeed Israel collectively languished under Roman rule. Jesus came through the line of broken people to save a people who are broken. Let's sit in awe and wonder as we relish the fact that God is with us - Immanuel. We'll draw comfort from His first advent and look to His second coming, when He'll make all things new.

November 27, 2022: A Life of Gratitude

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Gratitude is meant to be lived out on a daily basis. Sentiments and words are important, but don't stop there! Express your gratitude through humble obedience and by loving the people around you. A fine expression of gratitude is given in our sermon text. In this message we'll make application of this to daily life.

November 20, 2022: Facts, Feelings, and the Cross

Text: Psalm 22

During trials, suffering, and grief we often feel alone, forgotten, and even at our breaking point. David expresses this despair, Jesus embodied it on the cross, and believers still face it. However, in every chapter of this story, God shows Himself faithful leading to praise, hope, and a future worth any suffering we might face in this life.

November 13, 2022: What Makes This Church Stand Out?

Guest Speaker, former pastor, Steve Pettit

Sermon text: I Corinthians 4

We need to live life with a mindset that will keep us moving through the most troubled seas of life while asking others to follow our example. This mindset is what allows our Lord to build His church regardless of the challenges we face individually and/or as a collective body.

November 6, 2022: The Way of Wisdom

Be Strong series message 16

Text: I Corinthians 1:18-31

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. As we traverse Scripture we see the most profound expression of God's wisdom is found in the gospel, in the person and work of His Son Jesus Christ.

October 23, 2022: All Day!

Be Strong series message 14

Text: Proverbs 23:17

It's easy to be drawn to things that "sparkle" in this world and under appreciate all that God's given us. The remedy for this temptation is to set our mind on things above, and remember that our life is hidden with Christ in God.

October 9, 2022: Watch Your Mouth!

Be Strong series message 12

Text: Proverbs 15:4

God's Word has much to say about the power of words - our sermon theme from Proverbs for this Sunday! A wise person knows the weight of his or her words and uses them accordingly. With our tongue we either bless God or curse our fellow man - let's be sure to bless God AND build one another up with our words! Our words have such tremendous capability to destroy or give life.

October 2, 2022: Folly's Lure

Be Strong series message 11

Text: Proverbs 9:13-18

In this message, we are reminded of the Father's great love for us and also consider a warning passage from Proverbs 9:13-18. Folly is always clamoring for our attention and affections - we'll identify her tactics as she seeks to distract us and satisfy us with lesser things.

September 11, 2022: A Snare!

Be Strong series message 8

Text: Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man will prove a snare. Truer words have never been written! The fear of man is a contrast to what is healthy and yields blessing - the fear of the Lord. This is, understandably, such a big struggle for many - concerning ourselves too much with other people's opinions and our own reputation. Scripture states the problem and gives a powerful prescription that we will unpack and expound, as we encourage one another to entrust ourselves fully to the Lord.

September 4, 2022: Christ Our Treasure

Be Strong series message 7

Text: Ephesians 3:10

Seeking wisdom - seeking the Lord - is our "one thing" that we should desire and run after. For believers now, that pursuit is spelled out clearly for us in the New Testament - Christ is the pure  expression of God's Wisdom and is the One we treasure in our hearts.