April 30, 2023: The Christian Mindset

Colossians series message 16

Text: Colossians 3:1-4

The Apostle Paul has spoken so  beautifully and persuasively regarding the Person and Work of Christ, to include warnings about counterfeit philosophies and religious systems. He now begins the practical outworking of such rich theology: in light of the spectacular truths about Christ and salvation, how do we then live? He begins by telling us to be heavenly minded and not preoccupied with earthly matters.

April 23, 2023: Christ Has Come

Colossians series message 15

Colossians 2:16-23

In this message, we will wrap up Colossians 2 and continue to put the spotlight on that which takes people captive, leading us away from simple devotion to Christ and the power of the gospel. 

April 16, 2023: Our Great Savior!

Colossians series message 14

Text: Colossians 2:8-15

As we continue our journey through Colossians, this Sunday we will behold with profound clarity the Person and work of our great Savior. In Him, we are fully alive! In light of so great salvation, Paul is determined that no one takes us captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to the elemental principles of the world.

Resurrection Sunday - April 9, 2023: BOLD!

Our Resurrection Sunday service will, of course, highlight the resurrection in a special way. The theme God has place on my heart is "Bold". The resurrection was a bold event! Jesus robbed sin and the grave of power, He triumphed over the devil, He replaced shame with hope. As we read through Acts, we see the disciples living boldly in light of the resurrection!

April 2, 2023: Jesus Is Lord!

Colossians series message 13

Text: Colossians 2:6-7

Our sermon text marks a bit of a turning point with a clear application of the soaring Christology we've considered. Jesus is Lord is the earliest and most basic Christian creed and it is no abstract statement - He is creator and ruler. Nothing in Colossians makes sense if we do not structure our lives accordingly by walking by faith in the Lord Jesus. 

March 26, 2023: Do You Love the Church?

Colossians series message 12

Text: Colossians 2:1-5

It's striking how Paul engaged himself fully in protecting and building the Church - it is clear that he loved God's church! God purchased the church with His own blood. Do we love God's church, His people? Are we intentional about building others up and supporting one another in prayer, so that the beauty of God's church is clearly seen to those around us?

March 19, 2023: The Heart of Christ

Colossians series message 11

Text: Matthew 11:28-30

We concluded Colossians 1 by noting the energy and intentionality with which Paul invested in others for their sanctification. We now complement that message with a word for the weary Christian - Christ will not break a bruised reed nor will He quench a faintly burning wick. He truly deals gently with us. 

March 12, 2023: Mature in Christ

Colossians series message 10

Text: Colossians 1:28-29

The mandate to make disciples is captured well in our sermon text, Colossians 1:28-29. When people are born again, there must be great intentionality to help them grow in Christ and move on toward maturity in Him. A beautiful partnership is on full display: Paul toiled to this end, but it was God's energy working so powerfully within him! 

March 5, 2023: The Hope of Glory!

Colossians series message 9

Text: Colossians 1:24-27

The gospel changes absolutely everything - the Apostle Paul joyfully traded in privilege for persecution in its service. This Sunday we'll see the personal application of the gospel and our true cherished treasure - Christ, the hope of glory! 

February 26, 2023: The Gospel Works

Colossians series message 8

Text: Colossians 1:21-23

In this message we continue our focus on Christology, tying in the Person and work of Christ! Paul concludes his tour de force regarding the deity of Christ and shows the direct connection to His work of reconciliation and redemption through the gospel! We'll dive a little deeper into the redemption found in Jesus - how glorious! 

February 19, 2023: The Person and Work of Christ

Colossians series message 7

Text: Colossians 1:19-20

In this message we will continue our focus on Christology, tying in the Person and workof Christ! Paul concludes his tour de force regarding the deity of Christ and shows the direct connect to His work of reconciliation and redemption through the gospel! 

February 12, 2023: For His Glory!

Colossians series message 6

Text: Colossians 1:15-20

Christ’s preeminence is shown in that all things were created by Him in for His glory. After laying down the colossal truths of the gospel, Paul now addresses the preeminence of Christ in a most unique and convincing manner. One truth we will consider in this message is the term firstborn from the dead. Grasping this firm position helps us progress in our Christian walk by the power of the Holy Spirit.

February 5, 2023: Incomparable Christ!

Colossians series message 5

Text: Colossians 1:15-20

After laying down the colossal truths of the gospel, Paul now addresses the preeminence of Christ in a most unique and convincing manner. We will take a few weeks to examine the vital Christology in this passage and how it correlates with the rest of Scripture. Grasping this firm position helps us progress in our Christian walk by the power of the Holy Spirit.

January 29, 2023: The Why Behind the What

Colossians series message 4

Text: Colossians 1:12-14

Last Sunday we highlighted key elements of Paul's prayer for the saints: position, progress and power. As we conclude our consideration of this passage, we encounter three colossal gospel truths: our inheritance, our rescue and our redemption. I can't wait to worship with you on Sunday! 

January 22, 2023:

Colossians series message 3

Text: Colossians 1:9-11

Do you ever struggle in knowing how to pray for friends and family? When there's a specific need, we pray for that. But in general, how do we pray for our family members or fellow believers? The apostolic prayers in the New Testament are a treasure chest for us! On Sunday we'll consider Paul's prayer for the Colossians and break it into three easy to remember parts. 

January 15, 2023: Gospel Activity

Colossians series message 2

Text: Colossians 1:6-8

The gospel was bearing fruit both in Colosse and throughout the world - that’s what the gospel does! It is rooted in grace and develops best when people rub shoulders and invest in one another as Epaphras did with the Colossians. 

January 8, 2023: The Gospel Bearing Fruit!

Colossians series message 1

Text: Colossians 1:1-8

With this message we begin our series in Colossians! A major theme is the lordship of Christ in all areas of life - in this message we'll focus on the hope of the gospel and how that transforms our daily living (and causes others start talking about it!). 

January 1, 2023: The Power of a Word

Text: Misc.

In this message, we examine a Hebrew word that plays predominantly in the Old Testament and conveys God's loving care for us. It is difficult to render in English, hence different translations will give different English renderings. It is my hope that by examining this concept we will be filled with comfort, courage and confidence as we begin a new year.

December 18, 2022: Angels We've Heard Here Below

Advent 2022: Heralds of His Coming - message 3

We know angels announced Jesus' birth, but what's their involvement in God's unfolding drama of redemption? More than most people recognize! Angelology and Advent is an intriguing and important study as angels announce Jesus' birth and support Him in trials.