April 6, 2014: Our Triune God

Text: Various selected texts

When we study various sciences, we witness the Hand of God. When we engage theology(the study of God), we approach and engage the very being of the One we worship. He is AWESOME, beyond our ability to fully comprehend (which is why we worship Him, right?). He is magnificent and exalted in majesty. This Sunday we will examine His triune nature, commonly referred to as the Trinity. How is it that we say there is one God, yet known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit? This doctrine is often misunderstood and misrepresented, not to mention ridiculed. We will examine the Scriptural record on this matter; His revelation of Himself is consistent from beginning to end. Our sermon will flow into the following sermon on the phrase, 'only begotten Son of God.' I hope you are as excited as I am to dive into this!

Our Triune God