March 12, 2017: Our Great High Priest

Hebrews series message 8

Text: Hebrews 4:14-16

Last week was a really important message in this series. What is the rest that God offers, and what does it look like? It is to cease from our works and efforts, bow the knee to Christ and receive the gift of salvation. It's all grace, through faith and not of works. Looking back, God demonstrated this by resting on the seventh day ("ceasing from his activity"). Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weak and heavy leaden...and I will give you rest.". But we can't let this precious gift pass us by. 

Now, he implores us to hold fast to our confession. He begins an in depth explanation of Jesus Christ, our great high priest, the implications of which are varied and also wondrous for us. We'll begin tying in OT teachings on the high priest and holy of holies and such. Though Jesus suffered and died for us, He lives to make intercession for us in heaven. It's all just so awesome. 

Key concepts are boldness and confidence in approaching His throne to find mercy, grace and help when we need it the most.