July 6, 2014: Authentic Gospel Ministry

Acts Series message 23 (Guest Speaker Jason Purdy)

Text: Acts 17:1-15

Paul and Silas arrive in Thessalonica preaching the gospel. As some believe, the Jews are quick to stir up trouble and accuse Paul and other Christ followers of treason. Paul is forced to leave and go to Berea where he finds a noble group ready to examine the Scriptures to get the facts about Jesus. As opposition continues so does authentic gospel ministry. In this passage, we will see that the Bible is the all-sufficient source for gospel ministry and how to view opposition as an opportunity for the gospel.

Authentic Gospel Ministry

June 29, 2014: Bad Things to the Good - Good Things to the Bad

Acts Series message 22 (Guest Speaker - Dave Neff)

Text: Acts 16:16-40

God is sovereign over all events, working all things out for His glory.

Paul & Silas are beaten and thrown in jail for casting out a demon. While their ordeal was terrible, the situation is used by God to lead the jailer and his family to salvation. So then, a bad thing happened to good people (Paul and Silas) so that a good thing could happen to a bad person (the jailer). There is shadow of the Gospel here, in that a bad thing happened to the best Person, so that a good thing could happen to us! Key themes in this passage include God’s sovereignty, salvation by grace through faith in Christ, baptism, joy in trials and being others focused. Lots of ground to cover!

Bad Things to the Good - Good Things to the Bad

June 8, 2014: Welcome to the Family

Acts Series message 20 (Pastor Mike Speer)

Text: Acts 15:22-41

The Gentile church in Antioch has been unsettled by teachers that said they did not measure up. Now the church in Jerusalem is sending men with the good news that by God's grace they are certainly brothers and sisters in Christ. All they ask is that they abstain from four things for the sake of love and purity. How does the church at Antioch respond? They rejoice! They are accepted by grace and they respond in grace. God's grace is on display in this passage and when we live in His grace it changes how we view our world today.

Welcome the the Family

June 1, 2014: Jerusalem Council: An Identity Forged

Acts Series message 19

Text: Acts 15

It's cool that the Gentiles were being added to the church. The apostles loved sharing the stories of these conversions, even in Samaria. But after the novelty wore off, some wanted to rope the Gentiles with some Jewish practices. The larger problem was that they wanted to make it a salvation issue. A council was convenened, and very practical advice was given. It was a stake in the ground, and the church flourished becasue of it. In modern times, legalism often creeps into the church. "Yes, Jesus died for your sins and we are saved by grace. But... you must do this and you can't touch this and stay away from that and never talk with them..." Before we know it, Christianity is not defined by the the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, but, but by a list a mile long that we never meausure up to anyway.

Jerusalem Council: An Identity Forged

May 25, 2014: His Prescription for Our Tribulations

Acts Series message 18

Text: Acts 14:19-28

We pick up the action with Paul being left for dead after being stoned for his witness. He went on to encourage the new believers to remain true to the faith. The hardships they face were legion this side of glory. The same can be said of us. I have been touched by Luke's coverage of these events, as he shows a very human side to the early Christiains in their struggles. In the midst of all this, Paul appoints elders for each church. We'll examine why this is so important in God's work in our lives - both then and now.

His Prescription for Our Tribulations

Sunday, May 11, 2014: Overcoming Anxiety

Text: Plilippians 4:1-10

After taking us to glorious heights in Philippians 3 (forgetting what's behind, straining toward what's ahead...), Paul addresses two women who just can't get along. He asks his assistant to help them. Then he tells us to always rejoice in the Lord. Always. He helps us see how to overcome anxiety: purposeful prayer and directed mind. Not only does he promise the peace of God, but the God of peace.

Overcoming Anxiety

May 4, 2014: A Snapshot of Daily Life

Acts Series message 17

Text: Acts 14

As Tim Keller has said, the issue on which everything stands is not whether or not you like Christianity, but whether or not Jesus rose from the dead. As the disciples boldly proclaimed the resurrection and lordship of Jesus Christ, some believed but others actively opposed their ministry. We'll see from Scripture how we will experience success, opposition, and redirection as we serve the Lord.

A Snapshot of Daily Life

April 27, 2014: The Meat and Potatoes of Paul's Message

Acts Series message 16

Text: Acts 13

The past several Sundays we've addressed fulfilled prophecy, the Trinity, the Son of God and, of course, the death & resurrection of Christ. We hit those because Paul deals with all of them in his first missional sermon. We'll finish this rich passage on Sunday by tying all of those together and then take a look at the heart of Paul's message. As author Timothy Keller has noted, the issue on which everything stands is not whether or not you like Christianity, but whether or not Jesus rose from the dead.

The Meat and Potatoes of Paul's Message

April 13, 2014: Only Begotten Son of God

Acts Series message 15

Text: Acts 13:33

Throughout our journey in Acts we’re constantly seeing the work of the Spirit as salvation in the Son is proclaimed. We've taken time to develop the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit, as well as explore the triunity of our God. This Sunday we'll examine exactly what the phrase 'only begotten Son of God' actually means. Established in eternity, the term 'Son' is seen clearly in His incarnation and work on the cross. This truth drives us to worship, paricularly as we consider that this One came riding on a…donkey.

Only Begotten Son of God

April 6, 2014: Our Triune God

Text: Various selected texts

When we study various sciences, we witness the Hand of God. When we engage theology(the study of God), we approach and engage the very being of the One we worship. He is AWESOME, beyond our ability to fully comprehend (which is why we worship Him, right?). He is magnificent and exalted in majesty. This Sunday we will examine His triune nature, commonly referred to as the Trinity. How is it that we say there is one God, yet known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit? This doctrine is often misunderstood and misrepresented, not to mention ridiculed. We will examine the Scriptural record on this matter; His revelation of Himself is consistent from beginning to end. Our sermon will flow into the following sermon on the phrase, 'only begotten Son of God.' I hope you are as excited as I am to dive into this!

Our Triune God

March 30, 2014: The Blasphemer Speaks

Acts Series message 14

Text: Acts 13:13-52

Paul has stirred things up on his first missions trip (notice the missions theme this week?) and soon has the ear of almost an entire city. His speech is stirring and doctrinally rich; so much so, we'll spend at least two Sundays adressing it. This weekend we'll examine his powerful statements and larger themes: David's passion for God, the Sonship of Christ (just what does 'begotten Son' mean, anyhow?) and election within salvation.

The Blasphemer Speaks

March 16, 2014: Herod's Sword and His Ruin

Acts Series message 20

Text: Acts 12

We certainly aren’t lacking for action in this chapter! Death by sword, imprisonment, angelic deliverance, a stunned church, and a king struck down by an angel. The church is growing now with both Gentiles and Jews, but we are reminded that it is also being resisted through persecution. We will conclude on Sunday with a powerful reminder of how the early church responded to opposition and setbacks.

Herod's Sword and His Ruin

March 9, 2014: A Day in the Life of the Early Church

Acts Series message 19

Text: Acts 11

Cornelius and his family being converted was HUGE, so Luke will have us revisit it, via Peter's recollection, to the believers at Jerusalem. Lots of very important and practical truths to glean from this chapter. As well, we'll see the Christians being encouraged and also proactive in helping those in need. And, oh, Christians are first referred to as Christians in this chapter.

A Day in the Life of the Early Church

March 2, 2014: And Here Come the Gentiles

Acts Series message 18

Text: Acts 10:9-48

We've seen the infant church suffer much persecution while at the same time expanding outside Israel. We'll now examine the first recorded Gentile conversion, as so many prophecies were fulfilled beginning with this momentous event! Acts 10 records the story of Cornelius' salvation experience; Cornelius was a centurion in the Italian regiment.

And Here Come the Gentiles